I knew that this Monday was going to be hell! Seriously. Signals, 2 hour DSD and then the project submission! Thank God! The project has been delayed! It isn't like that  my project is incomplete. It is very much complete indeed but still missing all those shaskey that are expected from us. For one thing I am more than sure. My friend is luckier than me. The one and only Mr.Gray will now have plenty of time! I hope your project is completed soon...

Why does everyone get so depressed! Don't people have any reason to stay happy! Even this episode of The Vampire Diaries was also quite depressing. The repetitions of events will drive me mad one day. (Despite of the fact I would suggest The Royal Abbasi to watch it anyways and Mr.Gray to stop telling Abbasi that Game of Thrones is better! :p)
And now I guess I must leave. Time to study.... 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you:p
    And our royal friend has a lot of time at her disposal,no need of making a choice.
