Depression Unlimited:(((((((

It happens so often that you feel depressed and sad without any reason. Everything seems unfamiliar to you. You cannot rely on yourself when you are going through such situation. There may be some moment when you say, 'I quit! To hell with everything and everybody'. You can get angry fits. You can hurt someone, say something really rude to anyone....

I don't understand this. A microprocessor is so easy to understand, but human being is much more complex thing . Whenever I try to understand a human nature,  I find myself entangled in a more complex web. Its even difficult for me to understand myself. With the help of probability theory we may be able to find the chance of rainfall at particular place, but we can't predict moods and behavior of a single human being. Not even ourselves!!!
I don't know, may be some of you won't agree but this is what happens to me. I can't predict myself. If you can, then that's a big achievement.
Now, let us consider the part about feeling sad without any reason. Well, I reckon there must be some reason behind your sadness.Its just that you don't realize it. May be it's something from your subconscious mind. It is the possibility that you are hurt, or missing someone or feeling loneliness. There might be number of reasons. So I suggest in that case you should sit and try to find the reason behind your depression. When you have found it, just try to satisfy yourself that it's not a big deal. It's O.K. What is past is past. Move on. I hope you wouldn't need any anti-depression pills................ :)